Living In Light Of Our Future Hope

In the Bible, one of the primary motivations for living a certain way in the present, is because of a confident anticipation of the future. So, when John tells his readers to “remain in him (Jesus)” (2:28) and to “purify yourselves as He is pure” (3:3), he does so against the grand backdrop of Jesus’ glorious return. Quite frankly, we want to be ready and confident to face Jesus when he comes back – we’re anticipating it!  
But John doesn’t just want us to consider our actions in the present, he wants us to consider our identities as well.  Here, John just wants us to look, really gaze at who we are in Christ – loved as God’s very own children! And as if that weren’t enough, he wants us to imagine the day when that identity is given all the glory and finality that comes with being in Christ. 
Listen in as we explore how life today is in anticipation of God’s great plans for us tomorrow.  

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