Belong Before Believe

What are some of the most important values you try to live by? Honesty? Integrity? Hard Work?

Values serve an important purpose in our lives. They help describe the kind of life we want to live. But values do more than that. Values prescribe the way back to the life we aspire to when we’re getting off track. In other words, values are descriptive and prescriptive.

Now, lets think beyond ourselves. Lets think about our workplaces, our families, our churches. What kinds of values do they have?

That’s precisely the question we began to ask and answer in our new series True North. We began looking at our 5 values as a church family to show how they help guide us to where we want to go, and get us back on track when we aren’t really living by them.

Our series began Sunday by examining our first value, Belonging before Believing. Listen in as we explore how Jesus lets people belong to him not only after they believe, but even before they believe.

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