Praying How We Actually Feel

John Calvin called the Psalms an “anatomy of the soul”. They are songs that reflect all of the many and varied things we feel on the inside that correspond with what’s going on on the outside. As we begin our journey, going “further up and further in” with Psalms 120-134, we find that Psalm 120 gives us an amazing gift. It gifts us with courage to pray how we actually feel, not how we should feel.

The author of the song cries out to God to save him – from one of the most destructive forces there is: deceit.

Has anyone ever told a lie about you?

Ever have someone say something that isn’t true about you or your spouse, or your family, and have to deal with the hurt, destruction, and chaos as a result? Psalm 120 enters the wreckage that lies produce, and gives us words to honestly articulate how we feel, and what we want, all while entrusting the situation to God.
Listen in as we explore his Psalm 120 might help us go further up and further in.

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