The Bond That Brings The Greatest Joy

Ever been talking with an acquaintance only to find out they share a common interest? Or watch a friendship emerge with someone who shares a similar passion? Having something in common bonds us together. Most of the time these bonds aren’t obligatory. They’re built on something both parties love and enjoy. The biblical word for this is fellowship. Fellowship is the bond we share when we have something in common.

We all have lots of “bonds” in our lives. We are bonded to our spouse. We are bonded to our kids. We may feel bonded to our jobs. We are bonded to our teammates. In the midst of all these bonds, John is going to stake an amazing claim in the opening verses of his first epistle: there’s a bond that brings the most joy, and that bond is Jesus!

Listen in as we see how tightly knit our bonds and our joys are from 1 John 1:3-4.

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